
New BMTFA industry information pack

Suitability of dual-certified carbon steel tubes under UK/European legislation

Date Added 20/04/2021

From the 20th April 2021, unlike BS EN10217-1 TR2 Grades and BS EN10217-2 GH Grades, all BS EN10217-1 TR1 Grades are no longer acceptable for use in applications under the Pressure Equipment Directive (PED -2014/68/EU) (“the Directive”), which was implemented into UK law by the Pressure Equipment (Safety) Regulations 2016. This is because TR1 grades do not meet the essential requirements of that Directive in respect of ageing (determined by the chemical composition) or ductility (specified as minimum Charpy impact requirements).


Therefore, when purchasing pipework, it is important to understand the technical differences between products and the applicable standards, legislation, or regulations being applied.  This will help, to ensure that steel tubes of appropriate type, grade and technical delivery conditions and standards are specified or selected for the application(s) concerned.


This includes the user ensuring the suitability of the products for the operating pressure and temperature ranges required. In addition, BS EN10255 products are only deemed suitable for fuel, air and gas applications if supplied CE Marked to conformity system CAT3 with supporting documentation.


We encourage our members to undertake appropriate due diligence to ensure that any additional manufacturer’s product claims, above and beyond those listed within the relevant standard(s) are supported by the appropriate technical statements for the user to approve in order to confirm suitability. This is particularly relevant with regards to products supplied to Manufacturers Specifications, which may be outside the scope of the primary product standard.


BMTFA’s new industry information pack has been prepared by members and the BMTFA Technical Committee, which is made up of building services product specialist and applications engineers. Information is provided for guidance only with the view to help improve awareness of the suitability of dual-certified carbon steel tubes under UK/European legislation.  Equally we cannot recommend whether certain products should be used in place of those that have been certified to a standard. 


Information pack disclaimer: While care has been taken to ensure that information supplied within this document is accurate, members of the BMTFA accept no responsibility or liability arising from any  for errors or for information contained in this guidance.  Our primary concern is to ensure that products comply with the applicable standards and users ensure that the products are fit-for-purpose.


Our technical focus is to ensure the quality of all products supplied in or imported into the UK satisfy the specifications of the UK markets.  However, before relying on any guidance or information which the BMTFA supply, the recipient should satisfy themselves of the accuracy and appropriateness of the guidance and information. They should also satisfy themselves as to the suitability of products for the intended application and associated operating conditions and/or any relevant regulatory or legislative requirements that may apply (please refer to our Terms and Conditions for additional details).


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